Kamis, 21 Agustus 2014

Tutorial Cara Bekerja dengan Registry menggunakan Delphi 7

Registry Delphi 7
Untuk dapat membaca atau menuliskan data ke dalam registry pada tutorial pemrograman delphi 7 harus mennggunakann classs TRegistry yang tersusun di dalam unit Registry.

Perhatikan code berikut :
uses registry;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) ;
var reg:TRegistry;
  with reg do 
      if OpenKey('\Control Panel\desktop', False) then 
        //change wallpaper and tile it
        reg.WriteString ('Wallpaper','c:\windows\CIRCLES.bmp') ;
        reg.WriteString ('TileWallpaper','1') ;
        //disable screen saver//('0'=disable, '1'=enable)
        reg.WriteString('ScreenSaveActive','0') ;
        //update changes immediately
    finally reg.Free; end;

prosedur di atas akan menyimpan data ke dalam registry.
Berikut adalah fungsi dan prosedur dari class Tregistry.
    procedure CloseKey;
    function CreateKey(const Key: string): Boolean;
    function DeleteKey(const Key: string): Boolean;
    function DeleteValue(const Name: string): Boolean;
    function GetDataInfo(const ValueName: string; var Value: TRegDataInfo): Boolean;
    function GetDataSize(const ValueName: string): Integer;
    function GetDataType(const ValueName: string): TRegDataType;
    function GetKeyInfo(var Value: TRegKeyInfo): Boolean;
    procedure GetKeyNames(Strings: TStrings);
    procedure GetValueNames(Strings: TStrings);
    function HasSubKeys: Boolean;
    function KeyExists(const Key: string): Boolean;
    function LoadKey(const Key, FileName: string): Boolean;
    procedure MoveKey(const OldName, NewName: string; Delete: Boolean);
    function OpenKey(const Key: string; CanCreate: Boolean): Boolean;
    function OpenKeyReadOnly(const Key: String): Boolean;
    function ReadCurrency(const Name: string): Currency;
    function ReadBinaryData(const Name: string; var Buffer; BufSize: Integer): Integer;
    function ReadBool(const Name: string): Boolean;
    function ReadDate(const Name: string): TDateTime;
    function ReadDateTime(const Name: string): TDateTime;
    function ReadFloat(const Name: string): Double;
    function ReadInteger(const Name: string): Integer;
    function ReadString(const Name: string): string;
    function ReadTime(const Name: string): TDateTime;
    function RegistryConnect(const UNCName: string): Boolean;
    procedure RenameValue(const OldName, NewName: string);
    function ReplaceKey(const Key, FileName, BackUpFileName: string): Boolean;
    function RestoreKey(const Key, FileName: string): Boolean;
    function SaveKey(const Key, FileName: string): Boolean;
    function UnLoadKey(const Key: string): Boolean;
    function ValueExists(const Name: string): Boolean;
    procedure WriteCurrency(const Name: string; Value: Currency);
    procedure WriteBinaryData(const Name: string; var Buffer; BufSize: Integer);
    procedure WriteBool(const Name: string; Value: Boolean);
    procedure WriteDate(const Name: string; Value: TDateTime);
    procedure WriteDateTime(const Name: string; Value: TDateTime);
    procedure WriteFloat(const Name: string; Value: Double);
    procedure WriteInteger(const Name: string; Value: Integer);
    procedure WriteString(const Name, Value: string);
    procedure WriteExpandString(const Name, Value: string);
    procedure WriteTime(const Name: string; Value: TDateTime);
    property CurrentKey: HKEY read FCurrentKey;
    property CurrentPath: string read FCurrentPath;
    property LazyWrite: Boolean read FLazyWrite write FLazyWrite;
    property RootKey: HKEY read FRootKey write SetRootKey;
    property Access: LongWord read FAccess write FAccess;

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